Celebrate Red Ribbon Week With Challenge Coins
Educators know exactly how much Red Ribbon Week means to your school, as well as students from kindergarten through high school. Creating custom Red Ribbon Week challenge coins are an...
Educators know exactly how much Red Ribbon Week means to your school, as well as students from kindergarten through high school. Creating custom Red Ribbon Week challenge coins are an exceptional way to reward good decision making and promote enthusiastic participation in your school’s events.
Coins are a terrific motivational tool, presenting each student with one at the end of the week to commemorate the completion of the Red Ribbon Week activities. They also serve as great reinforcement of the importance of making good choices in life. Its quite easy to design coins that are age-appropriate for any level from elementary through high school.
Designing Red Ribbon Week Challenge Coins
The incredibly talented artists at ChallengeCoins4Less.com are happy to assist you in craft a design for your Red Ribbon Week coins. We will work with you to incorporate all of the desired elements to create the perfect coin. Options include colors and messages, adding a nice touch to your coin while getting across a message in the process.
Remember, we never charge for art or revisions, so you can be sure your custom coins will look exactly how you'd like. Your coins do not have to be round either. We can craft coins in virtually any custom shape you can imagine, and we will created challenge coins your students will be proud to carry or display.
For more information on how Red Ribbon Week challenge coins can inspire and empower your students, call us toll free at 855-272-8451, or email us at [email protected]. We are always happy to assist you with any questions you may have!