Firefighter Challenge Coins: St. Florian’s Cross or Maltese Cross?
Firefighter Challenge Coins typically feature either a Cross of St. Florian or a Maltese Cross. Here's how to tell the difference.
Firefighter challenge coins are popular among departments nationwide. In addition to promoting a bond between firefighters, they help create an identity for a department, squad or station. They also help foster community and a sense of pride among firefighters. The coins feature many types of designs, including fire trucks, ladders, hoses and more.
One feature common to nearly all of them is a stylized cross, a common symbol of the fire service. These crosses are often describe as a Maltese Cross, but they’re more likely a Cross of St. Florian.
What’s the difference? Both are recognized as honorable symbols of firefighting. But they have different origins, and only the St. Florian’s Cross represents the patron saint of firefighters.
Who Was St. Florian?
St. Florian’s story is a fascinating one. A native of what is now Austria, he was born around 250 A.D. As a young man, he joined the Roman army and rose through the ranks and became an officer with administrative responsibilities. As part of his duties, he led a squad of soldiers whose job was to fight fires.
According to accounts of his life, Florian was ordered to participate in the persecution of Christians in Rome. He was expected to commit acts such as burning Christian churches and books, expelling Christians from their job, and even rounding them up for imprisonment.
When Roman authorities learned Florian was not participating in such acts, they demanded that he make sacrifices to the polytheistic Roman gods. Florian refused because he was a Christian himself,
The Roman authorities responded by sentencing Florian to death by burning. Florian reportedly taunted the soldiers to light the fire, saying he would “climb to heaven on the flames” if they did. Fearful of such a possibility, the soldiers instead chose to tie a millstone around his neck and throw him in a river to drown.
St. Florian’s stand against death by fire and his dedication to helping others made him the patron saint of firefighters throughout the world. He also is considered the patron saint of Poland and parts of Austria, and of soap makers and chimney sweeps.
Florian is also the patron saint of brewers, and is frequently depicted holding a pitcher. That’s based on the legend that he once extinguished a fire using just a single pitcher of water.
The Austrian town of Sankt Florian is named for him, and the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of St. Florian on May 4. That date has also been declared International Firefighters’ Day.
The St. Florian’s Cross
The St. Florian’s Cross is a rounded design featuring eight wide points that converge in the round center. The eight points represent the following virtues:
- Tact and discretion in all things
- Commitment and loyalty
- Dexterity and quickness
- Attentiveness and perceptiveness
- Empathy and compassion
- Perseverance and endurance
- Clarity and awareness
The Maltese Cross
The St. Florian’s Cross is often misidentified as a Maltese Cross. The true Maltese Cross has its own distinctive appearance. Like the Florian cross, it features eight distinct point. But that’s where the similarity ends.
The Maltese Cross is angular, with sharply designed points. Each pair of points forms a side in an arrowhead-like V-shape, with all four sides converging in a narrow center. The eight points of the Maltese Cross represent:
- Observation
- Tact
- Dexterity
- Explicitness
- Perseverance
- Sympathy
- Gallantry
- Loyalty
The Knights Hospitaller
The Maltese Cross is associated with the Knights Hospitaller, a Catholic military order which began in the 12th century A.D.. It’s also the symbol of the island of Malta.
The Knights Hospitaller arose from an order of Benedictine monks. The monks cared for sick, poor and injured Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land. By 1113, Pope Paschal II recognized the Hospitallers as their own order. The organization later became a military religious order.
The cross became associated with firefighting when the Knights Hospitaller fought during the Crusades against the Saracens, who used firebombs. Knights Hospitaller risked their own lives to save their burning comrades.
During the Protestant Reformation, the Knights Hospitaller split into Protestant and Catholic factions. Today, five organizations worldwide carry on the traditions of the Hospitallers.
Remembering the Difference between the Florian and Maltese Crosses
Today, both the Cross of St. Florian and the Maltese Cross are considered symbols of firefighting. An easy way to remember the visual difference is that the Florian Cross resembles a flower, while the Maltese Cross resembles a star.
No matter which cross your department uses on its firefighter challenge coins, it pays to have a coin provider that knows the difference between the two. A good supplier will know whether your design features a true Maltese Cross or a Cross of St. Florian, and will make sure your custom coins get make correctly.
Choosing a Firefighter Challenge Coin Provider
Choose a provider that doesn’t charge for artwork or revisions. That way, you can be sure your coins look exactly the way you want them to before you order.
At ChallengeCoins4Less.com, we understand the deeper meaning that firefighter challenge coins hold. There’s a special bond between men and woman who put their lives on the line every day to protect their fellow citizens.
We’ve been in the business of making custom coins for more than 20 years, so we make it our mission to honor that bond by producing the finest quality custom coins you’ll find anywhere. We use state of the art materials and production techniques to create coins that will meet the most demanding standards – yours.
We’re committed to giving you the highest quality custom coins available, and the greatest value for your money. We back every order for firefighter challenge coins with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you find a defect in either materials or workmanship of any coin, we will replace it at no extra cost to you.
Whether you want coins with a Cross of St. Florian or a Maltese Cross, you can depend on us for all you custom coin needs. Want to find out more, or create your own fire department coins? Call us toll free at (855) 272-8451, email us at [email protected], or fill out our no-obligation free quote form. Let us show you how easy ordering custom coins for your department can be.