Honoring First Responders With Custom Challenge Coins

Honoring First Responders With Custom Challenge Coins

Recognize the dedication of the men and women who keep us safe with custom coins

Custom coins have been used as a way of recognizing outstanding performance in the U.S. military for decades. They are also great for civilian organizations. What began as military keepsakes have expanded in first responders, healthcare workers, and many more.

First Responder Coins

One of the best uses of custom coins is to recognize police officers, firefighters, and EMT crews, honoring those who keep us safe. If your organization or agency wants to acknowledge first responders with custom coins, it's easy.

Individual squads, precincts, or teams can have their own unique coins. These custom coins feature the department's insignia, the team name, or other group logo, making a memorable keepsake for those dedicated to keeping us safe.

You can use your coins to honor officers, firefighters, EMTs, and more for a job well done. The coins can serve as a morale booster for employees who work in high-stress situations.

A Look Back

Military challenge coins are a long-standing tradition among U.S. forces. Depending on the source you believe, they can date back as far as World War I.  Over they years, they’ve become a time-honored way to reward outstanding performance, build team camaraderie and commemorate specific deployments.  
Challenge coins began as a way for servicemen and -women to commemorate their experiences, eventually becoming keepsakes and family heirlooms. These coins marked the soldier's experiences with specific units or squads. 

Adoption by First Responders

Police and fire departments have adopted challenge coins and use them in many of the same ways, in part due to the military-style hierarchy of such agencies.

Individual squads, precincts or departments often have their own unique coin. These coins typically include details such as the department logo, station or squad location, and particular local landmarks or mottos.

Special units such as detective squads, HAZMAT and SWAT teams, forensic and arson investigators, often have custom coins specific to their specialty as well.

Honoring Excellence

Challenge coins are also a way to honor officers, firefighters, or EMTs.  Departments present first responder coins for excellence on the job, promotions, and going above and beyond responders’ regular duties.

First responders of all kinds face unique challenges in their jobs, some of them literally life-threatening. Fires, floods, icy roads and desperate people with little to lose make an exceptionally difficult, stressful work environment.

Honoring those who commit their lives to working in that environment is a way to thank them for that commitment. First responder coins, when presented at department-wide, or better yet, public ceremonies, help instill a sense of pride and remind recipients that their communities really do value their dedication.

Designing Coins for First Responders

When it comes to designing custom coins for first responders, know that they will become valued keepsakes. Designing a custom coin that honors dedicated public servants is all about knowing the right details. A good coin provider can help you create custom challenge coins for any specific part of your department.

Traditional Symbols

You can choose to create a new design altogether or use a traditional one. Every type of first responder agency has its common symbols and emblems. It’s easy to start with those and create a variation unique to your department.

Police Coins

For police coins, the shield or badge is the most common design. It’s often placed in the center of a coin, with text above and below it indicating the department, the location and/or the recipient’s name. Other symbols such as handcuffs also are popular.

Fire Department Coins

Fire department challenge coins frequently feature either the St. Florian’s Cross or the less common Maltese Cross, with the department name in the center. Specific details such as the station name or number can appear above or below the center design. Fire apparatus such as trucks, ladders and more can round out the design. (Worth noting: your coin supplier should know the difference between a St. Florian’s Cross and a Maltese Cross.)

EMS Coins

Challenge coins for emergency medical services commonly feature a specific designs, the “Star of Life.” The Star of Life is an international symbol for first aid or emergency medical service. A blue six-pointed star outlined by a white border, the star features a Rod of Asclepius in the center. The rod, entwined with a serpent, is an ancient symbol of medicine, named for the mythical Greek god of healing.

By incorporating such symbols into your first responder challenge coins, you honor their traditions and history. 

Coin Shapes, Colors and Options

You can create first responder coins in virtually any shape you can imagine. Sure, you can always create a traditional round coin. They have the benefit of being easy to carry, attractive and well-received. But if you’re feeling more creative, you can also create coins in the shape of a police shield, a fire truck or even an EMS gurney. Your coin provider can help you choose the right shape for your coin design.


When it comes to colors, it’s helpful to stick to the traditional colors of the departments – usually blue for police, red for fire and blue/white for EMS. You can always add complementary colors to the traditional look, and choose from several coin finishes to create a unique, distinctive coin.

Custom Options

Another way to give your coins added appeal is with custom options such as cutouts, engraved edge text, 3D designs, sequential numbering, and more. Properly designed, they can make a truly stunning coin.

Choosing the Right First Responder Coins Supplier

At ChallengeCoins4Less, we are your one-stop supplier for outstanding custom challenge coins. We have had the honor of creating custom coins for fire, police, and emergency medical services nationwide for 20  years.

Our talented team of graphic artists will ensure that your coins are right for your department and look exactly the way you want them to. We provide the highest quality customer service and stand behind every product we sell with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Want to find out more? Call us toll free at  (855) 272-8451, email us at [email protected], or fill out our no-obligation free quote form. Let us show you how easy ordering custom first responder challenge coins can be! 

Rick Cundiff

Rick Cundiff

Content Director, Blogger

Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about custom challenge coins and other promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.