Show It: Say Thank You With Custom Challenge Coins
Custom challenge cons are an excellent way to show gratitude.
Small and cost-effective, challenge coins are ideal for recognizing important events, noteworthy accomplishments, and even marketing. They have a long, storied history in the military, though companies, brands, schools, first responders and others have adopted them outside of the armed services. Today, challenge coins are even being used to say thank you, providing a unique token of appreciation with special memories attached. Before we dive into how challenge coins may be used to say "thanks," let's take a look at the history of challenge coins and how they got their start.
You might not be familiar with challenge coins in the historical sense. However, it's feasible to see challenge coins without being aware that the coins were actually challenge coins. If you are a civilian who grew up with no contact with the military lifestyle, then you may be unaware of the history and importance of challenge coins; and that's okay. Challenge coins are small tokens or medallions that signify that you are part of a specific unit or battalion. They are carried with honor, displaying unique details that pertain to the unit. Challenge coins look similar to standard coins; however, the designs differ significantly. This is the critical factor that separates challenge coins from standard coins. In terms of size, challenge coins typically range from 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter, though you are not limited to that size.
Challenge coins may also be produced in nearly any shape imaginable. This means that no two coins are the same, and some designs do not look like coins at all. If you want to get a unique and memorable gift for a family member, challenge coins are a great option. Not only used to reward exemplary behavior, hard work, and dedication, challenge coins are also a perfect way to say "thank you." Let's take a look at a few ways that you can say thanks with a custom coin.
Recognition Challenge Coins
Challenge coins are popular for rewarding hard work, loyalty, and dedication. The words "Thank you" on many award coins will be found in capital letters, offering an attractive and striking touch. These elements are created by soft enamel, often polished with a silver finish that makes the coin look distinguished and exclusive. The coins may be customized with unique details such as imagery, text, special dates, and more. Challenge coins can be used to celebrate the completion of important tasks, being a part of a special team, or an event to encourage and thank those who work hard day in and day out. Employees that feel valued will often work harder, and challenging coins will be a great way to encourage their ultimate productivity.
Challenge Coins For Veterans
A simple thank you means a lot to Veterans. These men and women have put their lives on the line and sacrificed a lot for our freedom. We can express our thanks to all of the troops with custom military challenge coins. While challenge coins are a staple in military life, they are also used by organizations, businesses, and brands to say "Thank you for your service." Challenge coins for Veterans will often include unique details and slogans such as "Your country is proud to salute you," thanking those who have risked it all for our country. Each coin can be enameled and sealed with epoxy resin, which adds a durable touch, so the coin looks great for years to come. Military challenge coins may be given as gifts to employees, teachers, friends, and colleagues. However, they are an excellent way to honor Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and other patriotic holidays.
Challenge Coins For Weddings
Challenge coins for weddings? Yes! Friends and family devote themselves to preparing for the big day, and coins are a unique way to give thanks. Wedding coins have grown in popularity recently, used by bridal parties as a way to give thanks to groomsmen, bridesmaids, and more. Thank you wedding coins are presented to bridesmaids for taking care of the bride at the wedding. These exclusive coins will have a lasting memory, providing a distinctive thank you to those who have worked so hard to make the day go smoothly. The thank-you coin will also serve as a testimony to their lasting friendship. Depending on the needs, challenge coins can be created in gold, silver, copper, and more, offering an eye-catching, tangible gift for people at the wedding. Get creative and design something that will be meaningful and eye-catching.
Commemorate A Special Moment.
Custom coins are also used to celebrate a special moment. Challenge coins can celebrate any moment, from big milestones to particular dates, achievements, or outstanding accomplishments. They are a physical reminder of a special moment that a person has been pushing toward for a while. Many organizations use custom coins as a reward. While challenge coins have been popular with military members, the tradition has grown outside of the military with services like the police force. Law enforcement coins are used as morale boosters for officers and their units. These coins are not presented in a special ceremony but passed off through a secret handshake by a unit commander. Typically these coins commemorate events and projects, bringing teams together in the process.
Challenge coins have become an extended tradition from the military. Not only is the military using custom coins, but firefighters, police forces, businesses, brands, and companies of all sorts understand their benefits. Challenge coins are a great way to say thanks and represent unity and teamwork for all involved.
Here at ChallengeCoins4Less.com, we understand the benefits that challenge coins will have for any business or organization. We have created custom coins of all sorts throughout the years, from coins for marketing to military challenge coins and everything in between. We know what a well-designed coin should look like, and we will help you bring your ideas to life. It’s simple too! Just give us a call toll-free at (855) 272-8451 or email us. We'd be more than happy to assist!