The History Of Firefighting and Firefighter Challenge Coins
Honor firefighters' dedication and sacrifice with custom coins
Challenge coins are created as a token of recognition and acknowledgment. They have long been a valued part of military life, and also as a way to honor law enforcement officers and other first responders.
Custom coins have become an increasingly popular way to recognize firefighters, and thank them for their dedication and courage.
Challenge coins are an ideal way to recognize those who risk their lives for the safety of others, Firefighter challenge coins are an integral part of the history of firefighting itself.
A Brief History of Firefighting
Firefighters have been keeping the world’s citizens safe since the Roman Empire. It all began when Emperor Augustus of Rome reportedly created the first firefighting crew in the first century A.D. There are also accounts of water pumps being used to extinguish fires in ancient Egypt.
Early Advances in Firefighting
Firefighting became more organized after the Great Fire of London in 1666. The early firefighting methods proved ineffective in saving the majority of the city from destruction.
In 1673, Dutch inventor Jan Van der Heyden developed the first fire hose, revolutionizing firefighting across the world. In the United States in 1678, the first fire company started in Boston.
In 1736, Benjamin Franklin established the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia. George Washington served as a volunteer firefighter in Alexandria, Virginia in 1774.
It wasn't until the Civil War that fire departments became universal across the country. They were often funded by local, state, and federal governments.
Challenge Coins in the Military
Military challenge coins have been a staple of life in the U.S. Armed Forces since early in the last century. They are a time-honored way of fostering camaraderie and a sense of belonging as well as a way to honor achievement. It’s no surprise that organizations such as police and fire departments and emergency medical services, all of which depend on a military-style hierarchy of command, adopted challenge coins to celebrate their own.
Honoring Firefighters’ Service
Firefighter challenge coins have become a way to commemorate the lives of firefighters across the country. Departments present them as a way to honor accomplishments, and notable achievements, and to honor fallen comrades. Firefighter coins are a great way to give thanks for the dedication and sacrifice the men and women who don the turnout gear every day.
St. Florian, the Firefighters’ Patron Saint
Firefighter coins typically include tools of the trade such as ladders, hoses, helmets, and apparatus. A particularly popular element for firefighter challenge coins is St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters.
St. Florian was a native of Austria, born in 250 AD. He eventually became an officer of the ancient Roman army, leading a squad of soldiers to fight fires and save lives. A Christian himself, he refused to persecute other Christians as commanded. Roman Emperor Diocletian sentenced him to be burned at the stake.
Florian is said to have challenged Roman soldiers to light his funeral pyre, saying “If you wish to know that I am not afraid of your torture, light the fire and in the name of the Lord, I will climb onto it.” Fearful of his declaration, the soldiers chose to execute Florian by drowning him in a nearby river instead.
Modern firefighters observe International Firefighters’ Day each year on May 4, the date the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of St. Florian.
The St. Florian’s Cross
The St. Florian’s Cross features wide arms with rounded curves and a circular center, and is frequently misidentified as a Maltese Cross. A true Maltese Cross has its own distinct appearance with narrow arms that come to a shallow V-shape in the center. That design is associated with the Knights Hospitaller, known as the Order of St. John.
While the majority of U.S. fire departments use the St. Florian’s Cross as part of their logo, some do use the true Maltese Cross instead. Both are recognized as symbols of firefighting.
Honoring Service with Challenge Coins
Fire departments use firefighter coins for multiple purposes. Here are some of the most common:
- Honoring Excellence: Departments present coins to recognize members who demonstrate exceptional bravery and dedication by going above and beyond the call of duty.
- Celebrating Milestones; Firefighter coins are an outstanding way to commemorate promotions, advanced certifications, promotions and retirements.
- Building Department Morale: You can create unique coins to denote your specific squad, station or department. These help create a sense of brotherhood and belonging.
- Fundraising: Some departments sell challenge coins as a way to raise money for their internal programs our outside beneficiaries such as schools an community resources. These coins are a great way to increase support and appreciation for the department.
- Honoring Fallen Members: Firefighter coins are a distinctive way to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. For example, the Fire Department of New York has custom coins featuring the number 343, representing the number of city firefighters who died in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Designing Firefighter Challenge Coins
Firefighter challenge coins feature common themes. The St. Florian Cross or the Maltese Cross are typically in the center of the department logo, and may feature the department, squad or station information.
As we mentioned earlier, tools of the trade such as axes, ladders, helmets, hoses and fire trucks are also popular images, either as part of the main design or on the reverse side.
Our coin design guide features more information about how to design your coins. Our experienced staff also will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have about your coin design.
The Finest Coins to Honor the Finest
At ChallengeCoins4Less.com, we understand the importance of firefighters and fire departments for the safety of our towns and cities. Firefighter coins are among our most popular coins, and we take pride in designing them. These coins represent service to our communities and honor the men and women who serve.
We have 20 years’ experience creating custom challenge coins. We are honored to be able to provide challenge coins to every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces and for police, fire and EMS departments across the country.
If you’d like to find out more, have questions, or if you are ready to order, we’re here to help you create outstanding firefighter challenge coins. You can call us toll free at (855) 272 -8451, email us at [email protected], or fill out our no-obligation free quote form. We'd be honored to create custom firefighter challenge coins for your station, squad or department.