What happens after I submit a quote?
You’ll receive an email with a preliminary price quote and further instructions. You’ll also receive a call from our sales team to discuss details and get your design off to our art department for proofing!
When you submit a quote request through our portal here , you'll automatically receive a quote emailed back based on the options you selected. Treat this as a first-look, ballpark price for your coins. Every quote is then hand-checked by a member of our sales team for accuracy based on your requests, and if any changes need to be made, you'll receive a second, more concise quote for your needs. For example, you may select a whole slew of options in your initial request, but your design may not necessitate them. Our sales team will make that determination based on your description and/or any art you provide and send you a lower quote more suited to your design.
Next, you'll receive a phone call from our sales team to go over your project. They'll confirm all the details of your design and answer any questions you have about pricing and the process going forward. All of this is to make sure we're on the same page as artist and client before the art team gets to work on your free digital proof!

If you don't happen to provide a phone number, we'll contact you via email to work through the same information. We aim to be clear and concise with you every step of the way, so we do reach out often to keep the ball rolling. If you no longer wish to continue at any point after submitting a quote, simply respond back to one of our emails and let us know. We'll close your order and stop contacting you about it until notified otherwise.
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